Importance of Periodontal Cleaning for Oral Health

Discover the essence of periodontal cleaning. Learn the process, benefits, and its importance in maintaining good oral health.

Joel Wissen

8/9/20238 min read

The Importance of Periodontal Cleaning for Good Oral Health

If you're like most people, going to the dentist is not your favorite thing to do. However, periodontal cleaning is an essential part of maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing gum disease. In this article, we'll explore what periodontal cleaning is, why it's important, and who needs it.

What is Periodontal Cleaning?

Periodontal cleaning is a dental procedure that goes beyond regular dental cleaning. It targets the areas below the gum line where regular brushing and flossing cannot reach.

During a periodontal cleaning, your dentist or dental hygienist will use specialized tools to remove plaque and tartar buildup from the roots of your teeth. When left untreated, plaque can harden into tartar and cause inflammation of the gums.

This can lead to gum disease which can cause bone loss around teeth and eventually tooth loss if not treated promptly. Regular periodontal cleanings can help prevent gum disease, maintain healthy gums, and keep your teeth in good condition.

The Importance of Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene goes beyond just brushing and flossing daily. It also involves scheduling regular dental check-ups with your dentist for professional cleanings and exams.

Poor oral hygiene can lead to a host of problems including bad breath, tooth decay, gum disease, and even systemic health issues such as heart disease or stroke. In addition to regular dental visits, it's also important to practice good oral hygiene at home by brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste for two minutes each time and flossing at least once a day.

Your diet also plays an important role in maintaining good oral health by limiting sugary drinks and snacks that contribute to tooth decay. By taking care of your oral health, you're not only preventing dental problems but also helping to maintain your overall health and well-being.

What is Periodontal Cleaning?

The Definition

Periodontal cleaning, also known as gum cleaning or deep cleaning, is a dental procedure performed by a dental hygienist or periodontist. It involves the removal of plaque and tartar build-up from below the gum line and around the teeth. This is done using specialized tools that can reach areas that regular brushing or flossing cannot.

Explanation of Periodontal Cleaning

While regular dental cleanings are important for maintaining good oral hygiene, they only address the surface level buildup of plaque and tartar. If left untreated, this buildup can accumulate under the gum line and cause inflammation in the gums. This is known as gingivitis which if left untreated may lead to more advanced stages of gum disease including periodontitis.

During a periodontal cleaning procedure, your dental hygienist will use ultrasonic devices or scaling instruments to remove the stubborn plaque and tartar buildup from below the gum line. Once all the debris has been removed, root planing will be performed to smooth out rough spots on teeth root surfaces, helping eliminate bacteria that contributes to gum disease.

Comparison to Regular Dental Cleanings

The main difference between periodontal cleaning and regular dental cleaning lies in how much attention is given to your gums and teeth roots during the procedure. In comparison, regular dental cleanings typically focus on removing surface-level stains and deposits from your teeth.

Periodontal cleaning is a crucial step in maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing advanced stages of gum disease. While it may not be necessary for everyone at every visit, it's important for those with existing signs of gingivitis or other risk factors for developing advanced gum disease to receive this type of treatment regularly.

Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, refers to the inflammation and infection of the gums that affects the dental supporting tissues. It usually starts with a buildup of plaque on your teeth and gums due to poor oral hygiene. When left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss or other complications that can affect your overall health.

Importance of early detection and treatment

Early detection is key when it comes to preventing gum disease from progressing into a more severe stage. Since it often starts with mild symptoms like bleeding gums or bad breath, many people tend to ignore them and assume they'll go away on their own.

However, if left untreated, these early symptoms can worsen over time and lead to more serious complications like tooth loss. Regular dental checkups are crucial in detecting early signs of gum disease before they progress into something more severe.

Your dentist will be able to assess any changes in your oral health and recommend treatment options if necessary. In some cases, simple changes in oral hygiene habits can help prevent further progression of periodontal disease while in advanced stages; more comprehensive treatments may be required such as scaling & root planing or even surgical intervention depending on severity level.

The Process of Periodontal Cleaning

Step-by-step guide to the procedure

Periodontal cleaning is a thorough and detailed cleaning of your teeth, gums, and surrounding tissues that involves removing plaque, tartar, and bacteria from below the gum line. Before the cleaning begins, your dentist or periodontist will perform a full oral exam to assess the extent of any gum disease.

They will use a small mirror to get a clear view of all areas in your mouth and may take X-rays to check for bone loss or other problems. Once the exam is complete, your dentist or dental hygienist will start with scaling which involves using specialized tools like an ultrasonic scaler and hand-held instruments to remove plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line.

They will also clean out pockets around teeth where bacteria often accumulate. After scaling is completed, root planing comes next.

This process smooths out rough spots on tooth roots where bacteria can thrive. Planing helps gums reattach firmly to teeth thereby preventing future bacterial buildup.

Use of specialized tools and techniques

Periodontal cleaning requires special tools such as an ultrasonic scaler which uses high-frequency vibrations to break up plaque build-up while also spraying water at high pressure to flush it away. Other tools include curettes which are hand-held instruments shaped like hooks or spoons used for scaling underneath gum lines.

Sonic scalers are another type of device that uses sonic vibrations instead of water pressure for removing tartar from tooth surfaces while not harming healthy tissue nearby. The technique employed varies depending on how much buildup there is around individual teeth in every quadrant before moving onto carefully polishing each tooth with fluoride paste that removes any remaining stains caused by food or tobacco use leaving you with fresh breath as well as healthier gums than before!

Benefits of Periodontal Cleaning

Improved Oral Health

Periodontal cleaning is an essential procedure that helps to keep your teeth and gums healthy. The process involves removing plaque and tartar buildup from the gums, which can cause serious oral health problems if left untreated.

By undergoing regular periodontal cleaning, you can improve your overall oral hygiene and reduce the risk of developing cavities, gum disease, and other dental issues. The benefits of improved oral health extend beyond just your mouth.

Studies have shown that individuals with better oral hygiene have a lower risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other systemic conditions. Practicing good dental habits like periodontal cleaning can help you maintain optimal physical health as well as a winning smile.

Reduced Risk for Gum Disease, Tooth Loss, and Other Complications

Gum disease is one of the most common dental issues affecting adults today. It occurs when bacteria in plaque buildup on teeth and gums causing inflammation of the soft tissue around teeth leading to bone loss over time. If left untreated it can lead to tooth loss or more severe consequences across body systems, such as stroke or heart disease if bacteria travels through bloodstream.

Periodontal cleaning plays a crucial role in addressing this issue by removing plaque buildup from under gum line before it leads to gum disease or other complications. By keeping your gums clean and healthy through regular periodontal cleanings you'll be doing yourself a favor not only by saving teeth but also reducing potential negative systemic effects down road.

Enhanced Overall Well-being

Good oral hygiene practices such as periodontal cleaning go beyond just maintaining good physical health - they are also beneficial for mental well-being too! A clean mouth promotes self-confidence leading to a happier individual who's unafraid of smiling freely without worry about their breath or appearance any longer (especially important for those who may have been feeling self-conscious about their teeth). A healthy mouth and mind make for a healthier, happier you.

Who Needs Periodontal Cleaning?

Individuals at Higher Risk for Gum Disease

Periodontal cleaning is an important procedure for people who are at a higher risk of developing gum disease. This group of people includes smokers, diabetics, pregnant women and those with a family history or previous diagnosis of gum disease.

Smokers are more prone to gum disease because smoking can weaken the immune system and make it harder for the body to fight off infections. Diabetics have a higher risk because high blood sugar levels can lead to inflammation and damage to the gums.

Pregnant women might also benefit from periodontal cleaning as hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause gum inflammation, which may increase the risk of developing gum disease. Those with a family history or previous diagnosis of gum disease should also consider periodontal cleaning as they may be genetically predisposed to developing this condition.

How Often Should You Get Periodontal Cleaning?

The frequency of periodontal cleaning depends on several factors, including your oral health status, age, and risk for gum disease. In general, most individuals should undergo periodontal cleaning at least twice a year as part of their regular dental check-ups.

However, if you have a higher risk for gum disease due to factors such as smoking, diabetes, or a family history of the condition, you may need more frequent cleaning sessions. Your dentist or periodontist will recommend a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs and oral health status.

Recommended Frequency for Different Individuals Based on Their Oral Health Status

For individuals with healthy gums and no signs of gum disease during their regular check-ups, twice-yearly cleanings are usually sufficient to maintain good oral health. However, if you have mild gingivitis or early stages of periodontitis, your dentist may recommend more frequent cleanings to prevent further damage to your gums and teeth.

If you have moderate to severe periodontitis or other complications related to gum disease such as loose teeth or deep pockets between your teeth and gums, you may require more intensive treatment such as scaling and root planing (deep cleaning) or even surgery. After these procedures are completed successfully and the inflammation subsides with proper maintenance care at home with continued professional care by already scheduled appointments every three months is recommended.

Your dentist is the best person to advise you on how often you need periodontal cleaning based on your individual oral health status. By following their recommendations and maintaining good oral hygiene habits at home like brushing twice daily for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste flossing every day also using mouthwash can help prevent gum disease from developing in the first place.


Periodontal cleaning is an essential procedure that involves removing plaque and tartar from the teeth and gums, which can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and other serious oral health problems. By getting regular periodontal cleanings, individuals can improve their overall oral health and reduce their risk for complications.

It is important to note that periodontal cleaning is not just for people with existing gum disease or other oral health issues. Even those with seemingly healthy teeth and gums can benefit from regular cleanings, as they can help prevent future problems from developing.

In addition to maintaining good oral hygiene habits at home, scheduling regular appointments with a dental professional for routine checkups and cleanings is key to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. It’s never too late to prioritize your oral health - start by booking your next appointment today!