Baby Tooth Eruption Chart, Teething, and Dental Care

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the baby tooth eruption process, recognizing the symptoms of teething, and implementing proper dental care for your little one.

Nadia Lushow

6/21/20233 min read

Baby Tooth Eruption Chart

Watching your baby's teeth emerge is an exciting milestone in their development. Understanding the process of baby tooth eruption, commonly known as teething, can help parents navigate this stage with ease. In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore the baby tooth eruption chart, discuss teething syndrome and its symptoms, provide timelines for primary and permanent teeth eruption, share tips on soothing your teething baby, and address common questions related to oral care for infants. Let’s dive into the world of baby teeth and dental care for your little one.

Baby Teeth Chart

The baby teeth, also known as primary or deciduous teeth, emerge in a predictable sequence. Here’s a general baby tooth eruption chart:

· Central Incisors: Typically erupt between 6 to 10 months.

· Lateral Incisors: Usually erupt between 6 to 10 months.

· First Molars: Appear between 12 to 16 months.

· Canines (Cuspids): Erupt between 16 to 20 months.

· Second Molars: Generally, appear between 20 to 30 months

Teething Syndrome

Teething refers to the process of primary teeth breaking through the gums. During this time, babies may experience teething syndrome, which can manifest through various symptoms, including:

· Irritability and fussiness

· Excessive drooling

· Swollen or tender gums

· Increased chewing or biting on objects.

· Disrupted sleep patterns

Primary Teeth Eruption and Shedding

All 20 primary teeth usually erupt by the age of three. However, each child may have a slightly different timeline. As primary teeth prepare to shed and make way for permanent teeth, they may become loose. The order of shedding generally follows the eruption pattern, but it can vary for each child.

Permanent Teeth Eruption

Permanent teeth replace the primary teeth as children grow. Here’s an approximate timeline for permanent tooth eruption:

· First Molars: Typically erupt between 6 to 7 years.

· Central Incisors: Generally, erupt between 6 to 8 years.

· Lateral Incisors: Appear between 7 to 8 years.

· Canines: Erupt between 9 to 12 years.

· Premolars (First and Second): Usually erupt between 10 to 12 years.

· Second Molars: Generally, appear between 11 to 13 years.

· Third Molars (Wisdom Teeth): Erupt between 17 to 21 years or may require extraction.

Symptoms of Teething and Soothing Tips

Teething can cause discomfort for babies, but there are ways to alleviate their discomfort:

· Gently rub your baby’s gums with a clean finger or a cool, damp cloth.

· Provide teething rings or toys specifically designed for teething infants.

· Offer chilled (not frozen) teething rings or a clean, wet washcloth for them to chew on.

· Use teething gels or over-the-counter pain relief options specifically formulated for infants, as recommended by your pediatrician.

Start Dental Care

You can start caring for your baby’s oral health even before the eruption of their first tooth:

· Clean your baby’s gums with a soft, damp cloth after feeding.

· Once the first tooth appears, start using a small, soft-bristled toothbrush designed for infants.

· Use rice grain-sized amounts of fluoride toothpaste for children under two years old, and a pea-sized amount for children two and above.

· Schedule their first dental visit around their first birthday to establish a dental care routine and receive professional guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are all babies affected by teething symptoms?

Not all babies experience severe teething symptoms. Some may have minimal discomfort, while others may exhibit more pronounced signs. Every child is unique.

2. How long does teething last?

The teething process can last for several months as each tooth erupts. On average, it can take about two to three years for all primary teeth to emerge.

3. Is it normal for a baby to experience mild fever during teething?

While teething can cause a slight increase in body temperature, it is not typically associated with high fever. If your baby’s fever exceeds 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius), consult a healthcare professional.


Understanding the baby tooth eruption process, recognizing the symptoms of teething, and implementing proper dental care for your little one is essential steps for promoting their oral health. By referring to the baby tooth eruption chart, providing comfort during teething, and following dental hygiene practices, you can ensure a healthy smile for your child as they grow. Remember to consult with your pediatric dentist for personalized guidance and recommendations specific to your baby's oral health needs.